HADXF Sponsorship Policy


Criteria for Dxpedition Support

  • The country being activated must be well up the wanted lists, say in the top 50.
  • The operation must be accepted for DXCC credit • The team should comprise at least four operators of whom some are well known DXpedition operator

HADXF will consider

  • The general organisation of the Dxpedition
  • Position in the Clublog Most Wanted List for Europe
  • The stated plans to work Europe
  • Equipment and antennas to be used
  • The expected number of QSO’s
  • QSL policy
  • OQRS service
  • HADXF membership is benefit


  • Include HADXF as a sponsor (with HADXF’s logo) on any DXpedition website
  • Operate the DXpedition under the ARRL ‘Ethics and Operating Procedures’ guidelines
  • Upload a full log of the DXpedition to LoTW within 6 months of the completion of the Dxpedition
  • Reply efficiently and speedily to all QSL cards received, especially to those handled through recognised IARU Bureaux.
  • Publicise HADXF’s involvement as a sponsor in all articles and presentations about the Dxpedition
  • Provide a write up, in English, of the DXpedition for publication in HADXF web site and for publication in HADXF’s members’ newsletter
  • Send HADXF a sample copy and a JPEG image of your QSL card for HADXF’s publicity purposes
  • Should the DXpedition for which the application is made, not go ahead for any reason then HADXF may require a full or partial refund of the monies advanced.